Here are some testimonials from previous clients and retreat participants….
"Fiona has an incredible gift to hone in on the core issues. I've worked with many practitioners but none have come close to Fiona's effectiveness. She makes accessing and overcoming deep trauma and conditioning possible, in a gentle and supportive way, even when it can seem so impossible. A true diamond in her field of expertise. I highly recommend working with her."
AB, Mexico
“Two words jump to mind to convey how Fiona facilitates sessions - 'Compassion and Clarity' in action”
NG, New Zealand
“I have been fortunate enough to work with Fiona on a number of different occasions. Each time I am inspired by her wisdom, compassion and genuine desire to help and support the recovery and growth of others. In a simple three-day programme recently – an hour per day over subsequent days – she provided the support and gentle encouragement I needed to begin working on my novel again after it had remained shut away in a drawer for four months. As with all true healers, Fiona is humble and does not shout about her abilities but don’t let that fool you. She really knows her stuff and I highly recommend her”
Kate Philbin, Reconnect Wellbeing Editor
“Fiona is truly a magical and profound transformational coach.
She has the ability to fully empathise with some of my deep fears and from this space where I feel truly seen and safe enough to express them - the inner work can begin .
I felt called to work with Fiona because I feel her deep authenticity and her love to see others shine. I’ve worked with her in person and via phone and I can say both are invaluable.
I find her voice brings both comfort and joy to me and allows me to find a way through some of life’s challenges
She’s deeply passionate and enthusiastic about her work and I love her fresh approach
Through working together with her I’ve come to a place of sharing my gifts with the world through performance and holding workshops. She’s been a key part of this journey
I’ve also learnt to tune into my body deeper. For example in her Body Wisdom coaching work she really explains how symptoms are messengers for us to receive from the body as we may have not heard emotional ones previously. This concept for me is so transformational, it’s made me really look at the root of a physical issue or sensation. And again from this space access the wisdom awaiting me within my own being. It’s bought me more trust in my body and gratitude also for things if they arise
She has a timeless youthful enthusiasm for life and for you to thrive
Many many thanks Fiona, I truly value your amazing and much needed offerings - you are a unique and miraculous being”